Let’s Start At The Very Beginning

I have found that some of the greatest moments in life come out of adversity. Seriously, think about it. Even in sports there’s almost always a failed attempt, or several, before the big success. You’d think by now our minds would get used to the concept of conflict before there can be resolution.

Too many times in my life I’ve experienced a moment of devastation or walked through a challenge and come out on the other side thinking, “I feel like I should share this. If even one person is encouraged by this story, the pain will have been worth it.” Well, I’m here to tell you that I’ve finally chosen to step forward. It took years and I mean, YEARS and way too many obstacles but I’m here. I’m not sure if I’m ready but I’m here.

I don’t know how long this journey will be. I have no idea what it will even look like. This is very much the beginning but what I do know is this, I’ve felt the pull of the Holy Spirit on my heart for far too long. I’ve felt it and done nothing. So, I mean it when I say, if one person is encouraged by something in my story, no matter how great or insignificant, it will have been worth it.

I am fully aware that by being open about my life, I am also welcoming criticism or worse but I trust that the Lord is faithful and I need only follow His lead.

So, welcome to my blog and also my website. I hope you gain inspiration from it in some way, shape or form. I’m looking forward to sharing my testimony with you as well as all things faith, family, training, travel and baking!